Just a quick update today. We will be doing another lemon-aid stand at our church, all proceeds go to childhood cancer research: Sunday (tomorrow) July 15 from 11-1.
To donate to Love for Lulu:
Otherwise, not too much to report. We’ve had a week off of treatment since Lu’s counts didn’t make it to start Maintenance Treatment. We can tell some drugs are leaving her system and she’s showing wonderful signs of her true self. She’s still having some tantrums, but after speaking with some of you who have 5-year-old girls, it doesn’t sound as out of the ordinary. – or you’re just trying to make me feel better (you are). My favorite line from Lulu this week came after I asked her to just TRY not to overreact to every little thing. She responded very dramatically, hands waving in the air: “But Mama, I CAAAN’T!!! It’s just how I WORK!!!”
Keeping it real as always, Jimmy and I had a date last week where we ended up ‘discussing’ (as my parents always called it) during the whole thing! We discussed at the first restaurant starting with politics, on through dessert at the next stop. We went into everything we haven’t been able to cover in the last 8 months… just another way cancer affects a family; little time to communicate. I guess we got it all out in one night, and we were able to tease each other about it the next day. Now we can’t wait for the next date :-).
Jimmy’s mom is visiting after having what we hope is successful back surgery, so we have a full house here. We are looking forward to setting up playdates for Lulu. Her counts should be good enough from here on out to enter a normal-ish zone where she can play with healthy kids! Travels are ahead for hubby, and work is heating up for me so playdates are extra helpful, and heck knows Lulu needs to play with someone other than us!
I’ll write more soon, lots to do this weekend. Hope to see you drinking lemonade tomorrow!
Love to you ALL